About Our 4tunate Family

Here we share Our everyday! Having 4 healthy, happy kids life is always busy crazy, just one big wild adventure! We feel more than fortunate to have such amazing Family and friends to join us on this journey! Hope you enjoy!

Friday, August 27, 2010

School 2010-2011

I can't believe its back to school time again! Colton is headed to the 7th grade, Clint 5th and Cayden 3rd! Hope this year is great for all the boys, I have met the teachers and they seem to be great! Excited for a new year of school but very sad to see the summer go!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

2010 Reunion

This was my first visit to my Mom's side of the family yearly reunion. I loved the location, the kids made new friends, the food was great and it was nice to see faces that I haven't seen in years, I mean years! Colton stuck close to Papaw and Uncle Bill to hear stories from the past and look over old photo albums with them, he is always trying to learn his own history. Clint and Cayden enjoyed the playground and new buddies. Kate well she was glued to me, kinda scared of the people and just wanted to eat, eat and eat!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hair Cuts

The boys grew their hair out for most of the summer, they looked like little beach bums. But enough was enough so it was time to clean them up. Grandpa did the honors, he did a great job and I think he will be the boys official new barber!





The fun part about Grandpa cutting hair is its done outside!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Swim Time

We had a great time swimming at Manda's in her new salt water pool!


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