About Our 4tunate Family

Here we share Our everyday! Having 4 healthy, happy kids life is always busy crazy, just one big wild adventure! We feel more than fortunate to have such amazing Family and friends to join us on this journey! Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Fun Filled Fourth!

Our long weekend started with a Birthday (Leon's 9!) party at Chucky Cheese, a sleep over at Mimi and Grandaddy's, a quick trip to the lake for some boating and swimming, an early date night (Todd & I), lots of packing, a Fireworks stand, a drive to Lake Texhoma and to the Baker's lake house, a fun day on a beach & water with our friends & family, a beautiful firework show over the lake, and lots of entertainment from the kids shooting fireworks! No wonder I am still tired, It was great and I can't wait to do it again!

Every year a get a few photos at the firework stand, one day I will do a comparison to show how much the kids have grown. All the boys can now see over the counter and actually read the names of the fireworks, Kate well she slept through it. So far I think she has slept through every firework stand

So here is the whole gang, we plan on making this a new 4th of July tradition. The Baker's and The Bozeman's (I smell trouble, hee hee)

Even though it was a holiday weekend we felt as we had the whole lake to ourselves! The Baker's found an awesome beach area that we camped out on all day it couldn't have been more perfect. The water was shallow for Kate and the kids to play all day. Sandy bottom, sandy shore, clear clean water just amazing! We had a super set up for tubing, sking and playing. We grilled some yummy food and dessert. Okay can I go back right now?

Now check out this view Wow! Lots of fun tubing too!


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Why We Love Caddo Lake!

Caddo Lake 2011

 On the last day of school when we picked up the boys and we headed straight for Caddo Lake! They were bummed because they thought we weren't going to make it to Caddo this year so we completely surprised them!

The kids did a lot of fishing out on the dock. Catching around a total of 75 fish and a turtle!

We got the nerve up to canoe in the swamp and ended up loving it! It was so peaceful, but yet my heart stayed in my throat the whole time thinking about the gators!

A couple of turtles came to visit us at the cabin and the Mama laid her eggs right on the edge of the dock it was a great experience for us to catch in action!

We visited The Shipwreck cabin that we can't rent, because well there is just to many of us! But it looks like a super fun place to stay!

Uncertain has a little Flea Market so we did a little treasure hunting and Cayden found a Elvis shrine!

The little get away was great the kids had so much fun and you can't beat the amazing scenery!

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