About Our 4tunate Family

Here we share Our everyday! Having 4 healthy, happy kids life is always busy crazy, just one big wild adventure! We feel more than fortunate to have such amazing Family and friends to join us on this journey! Hope you enjoy!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

The movies

We went to the movies to see the new Toy Story 3, it was really great and lots of fun! We went to Chili's to eat first kinda made a day of it. Didn't get any good pics but here is one red, glowing eyes, fuzz and all!

Kate didn't have a Toy Story outfit (shame on me), so we made due with our Popcorn movie outfit, she looked so cute and lots of people gave her compliments!!

Bubble Fun

Well to encourage outside time and recycling we made these water bottle and old sock bubble machines! Just dip into your dish washing soap and you get bubbles galore! Trying to do something each day that is simple fun, they liked this one, but became light headed from blowing so many bubbles!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Pretty in Purple

Kate had her first modeling type job and I had my first pictures used in an advertisement!

So much fun! Kate received a custom boutique outfit that was adorable, and her favorite color purple! I took her pics as she modeled the outfit, sent them to the store owner and designer, she chose her favorite shots and is now using them to sell the outfit! The best part Kate gets to keep the purple outfit and I get my name out to the boutique world saying hey I can help advertise for you! Something we have always wanted to do had many offers in the past but nothing ever panned out, so I was so excited when the package arrived at our doorstep!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Staying Cool

We only have this tiny blow up pool for the kids and I this summer! We look pretty funny all sitting in it together. But hey it keeps us cool and nobody is complaining.

Look at those different colored heads! Colton used to be as blonde as Kate, now his hair is getting so dark.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Hey Good Looking Times 3

My boys! A B C!
I love it when they all wear their team hats! So Cute!
They are just too handsome.... if you ask me!

My Look Alike

Kate says with these shades I wore the other day that I look just like Grandaddy so lets take a side by side comparison.

Flag Day

June 14th of every year is Flag Day the Birthday of our flag. In order to celebrate the occasion I did a little history lesson with the kids then we placed all our flags in the front yard. Summer fun!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Baseball Boy #3 and Handsome Coach

Clint played for the Cardinals this spring, #10 on the team. 
His coach none other then dear ol' Dad!
It was a trying season for the whole team. Clint played first base last night and got 2 great outs, including a super high pop fly that seemed to stay in the sky forever! I love baseball season with the kids and am sad that it is over, now what to do with this extra time during the week and on the weekends?

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Memorial Day Fun!

Mom and Dad held a huge family BBQ at their house for Memorial Day. Julie, Todd the kids and Sandie were all in town and everyone showed to celebrate. Mom rented a 15ft tall water slide and it was a blast young and old alike took their turns talk about a good time seriously it was funnier then I imagined!

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