About Our 4tunate Family

Here we share Our everyday! Having 4 healthy, happy kids life is always busy crazy, just one big wild adventure! We feel more than fortunate to have such amazing Family and friends to join us on this journey! Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Playing Catch Up!

Boy here I am behind again! With School and Preschool started, me taking this new job and Baseball season life has been out of control! Every Fall is the same busy, busy, busy, but I still love Fall all the same. I say ummm.... maybe around January things will slow down a bit!

So I am going to do a review of the past new things! Here we go!

Okay so I mentioned above baseball season Cayden and Clint are on the Royals seems like a good little team with lots of potential haven't won a game yet but getting close. Cayden is hitting very well and playing 2nd and short great! Clint pitched and caught he was also doing a wonderful job really stepped up this season (well was that is another story)! Don't have any pictures yet of their team but hope to soon. Colton is on Rockhounds a
double A team. He is not getting to play quite as much as normal, but still he is being challenged and loving it. He is hitting great and running like lightning!
Here is a few pics our friend Bob got at the last game of Colton in action!

Okay now about Clint and the past tense reference with him and baseball,, He broke his foot! Well technically cracked his 3rd toe bone a good distance down the side of it! He did it at school on the playground. So no more baseball for him this season! They decided against putting him in a cast, thank god, and gave him a walking shoe cast and crutches for the next 4-6weeks.


The boys also all got their progress reports all A's & B's for this house! Woot! Woot! Hope they keep it up!

As for Kate she is still loving Preschool, cooking and story sparks classes! She is really doing well with her letter sounds and I can't believe she is sneaking up on the age of 4! We have been planning and preparing for her cupcake tea party! Speaking of the party its also a combo baby shower welcoming for little Allie who made her appearance a little earlier then expected she came on Sept. 13th and she is a doll. I was lucky enough to visit her in the hospital and get a few pics and also fall in instant love with this cutie pie!


Oh and how could I forget College football season has also begun so far so good Alabama has been whipping butt and we have been really enjoying the family time together! Kate wants to be a cheerleader now and well I kinda told her in this outfit she looked like one... since I didn't have a cheer suit for her, she wore a t-shirt I redid and a slip! Yes,, I said a slip. So now guess what she wants to dress like this daily! Oh well at least she can pull it off.

Think I am caught up for now, need to start lugging my camera around with me more often, I have been on the lazy side of this lately!
Happy Fall Everyone!

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